2024 Website-Headers-OCT24

Visible Relief as Financial Burden is Lifted

Suzette Costew and family

Speaking to Suzette Costew during her second-to-last chemo treatment, it’s as though a calm has descended on her.  It was a year ago – almost to the day – that she was diagnosed with cancer.  Today, she sounds faithful and cautiously optimistic as she reflects on the help that New Day provided her family when they needed it most.

“My friend is here (at chemo treatment) with me today and I was just telling her – with tears in my eyes – that I don’t know what we would’ve done without New Day,” said Suzette.  “My husband was self-employed (when I was diagnosed). His business bottomed out and we were uninsured.  The way you picked up our housing and utilities – it was totally from God, on so many levels.  It took the burden off his shoulders and you could see the relief in him and the joy in both of us.”

Today, Suzette is looking forward to her final chemo treatment, noting that chemo is working and everything is shrinking. “We’re continuing on,” she said. “This too shall pass.”

“I met Gina and Michael at a picnic over the summer,” she adds.  “They’re just wonderful parts of the community and they’re doing such a huge service to so many people. It’s hard to say thank you; it just seems so small compared to how much they’ve helped us.  The whole operation is doing such good for so many.”


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