“The New Day Foundation has blessed my family and I in ways that couldn’t even be described into words! Truly, the kindness and generosity of this organization and all of the volunteers will live on in our hearts forever! Help couldn’t have arrived at a more needed time in our lives!
“I was nursing our baby girl, homeschooling our son and was a full-time caregiver to my elderly mom when we received my diagnosis. It flipped our world completely upside down and put a great financial strain on us, as my husband had to stop working to take care of us all.
“Your organization gave us a moment to breathe…a moment of relief… a tremendous help in our time of need!! Words cannot even convey our hearts to all of you! Thank you for choosing to use your time and your life to help others. You are such a blessing to so many!!!!
“I am currently in chemotherapy and have just finished round 7 of 14 but I have already 10 rounds of a different chemotherapy, 4 immunotherapies, 30 rounds of radiation, a double mastectomy and lymph nodes removal.
“I am thankful to have had the opportunity to fight as I have. New Day Foundation has given us the opportunity to keep fighting! My heart is so full of gratitude and thanksgiving to you all!!!!!”