How was New Day Foundation able to help your family?
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in March, 2014. I’m a 50 year old single mom with two boys, Blake,16 and Mason,13. I just didn’t know what I was going to do financially as I needed to stop working all summer as a waitress while undergoing chemo. New Day paid our rent for three months, helped with back-to-school supplies and provided a generous Meijer gift card. This support allowed me to heal, relax and not worry about what was going to happen. New Day sure stepped up to the plate. And then, right before the holidays, New Day reached out once again and asked me if I wanted to be a recipient for their Holiday Program. At first I was honestly reluctant to ask for more help. We felt we had my health and that was all we needed. New Day, however, insisted and I have to say, it was just incredible—the most beautiful Christmas ever. We received shoes, hoodies, a bat and ball for Blake and an electric car for Mason. There was also a generous gift card for other things we needed. I get so emotional when I think of what they did for us.
How did help from New Day impact your family?
My boys also could not believe the help we were receiving. New Day paid our rent when I could not work. The kids thought it was mind-boggling. New Day made all the difference in the world. We were so humbled when they helped us again in December.
How are you doing today?
I am now back to work waiting tables. I will be taking Tamoxifen for the next seven to 10 years. I have one last surgery this month. I am doing great and I am so thankful.