How was New Day able to help your family?
As a 36-year-old single mother of Micah (7), I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in November. For the first time, I was facing the harsh reality of death much too soon: preparing a living will and an alternative home for my son in my absence.
As a U.S. Army veteran, I know what it means to make important sacrifices to secure your future. I have been a hard worker all of my life and obtained an MBA while working full time with a toddler. This time around is different! After my diagnosis, I tried to continue to work. My job does not provide disability, and I had used all my leave time earlier in the year after a fall down the stairs.
New Day made it possible for me to not worry about losing my house while I was out of work for chemotherapy treatments. I couldn’t even care for myself, and they allowed me to not worry about it. In that moment, they carried the torch for me. They provided mortgage payments and fuel cards – that I am still using to get to my appointments.
How did help from New Day impact your family?
I have taught my son Micah to always give, and in small ways he has learned this. Over a year ago, before my diagnosis, a girl at his school had donated her hair to a cause – and was bullied for being bald. It led him to decide to grow his hair out and donate it too.
This year, his New Year’s resolution was to help people. New Day helped us find the Wigs-4-Kids organization, and in March, he cut his hair to donate it. I had no hair and he had all this hair – it was about 10 inches long!
Then New Day surprised us with an Easter Basket. Just when you think they’re done giving, there was more! It really helped to pick us up – there was a basket of candy for Micah, and I got to spend a little on some new clothes (to fit me since I’ve lost weight during treatment) without feeling guilty. Girls love to shop!
What’s next for you?
My body has worse nerve damage from the chemo, and at one point, it was so bad I couldn’t drive. I was stranded! Now I’m on a short break from treatment so my body can prepare for surgery instead. If it goes well, I will still need radiation afterward. I’m just taking it day by day.
“As this story reaches you, I am gaining momentum on answered prayers, knowing that God is a man of his word and that there are organizations created in the memory of loved ones battling a similar fight.”