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Meet Erica Stone: A recent recipient of the New Day Foundation for Families

Erica Stone

How was New Day Foundation able to help your family?
I recently moved back to Michigan from the Washington, D.C. area with my two children, Tristan, 14, and Taryn, 11. I am a single mom, and I had just started a new job when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Unfortunately, I was unable to take a lot of time off, so I worked through all of my chemo treatments. Chemo was taxing, and the added stress was preventing me from sleeping well.

With the medical bills mounting, I felt my life spiraling downward for the first time. My sister-in-law found out about New Day and called me with information to apply. It’s been a huge blessing for me to have family nearby for so many reasons. When New Day stepped in I was thankful they were able to help me not miss a beat for my kids. I found I was able to sleep again with New Day taking a significant load off of me.

How did help from NDF impact your family?
New Day helped me with my rent and household expenses at a time when my scheduled surgery left me without income.  I met with New Day’s social worker, Chrissie, and I was overcome with emotion. Chrissie was a huge help and very kind to me. I felt so much better after talking to her. Chrissie also asked me for a wish list in December.  With the help of New Day and my family, my children were able to have a beautiful Christmas.  I was paired with an amazing sponsor family. They were so kind to me and provided my children with wonderful, much needed items such as clothing. They were all incredibly supportive in so many ways.

New Day helped us keep going. I did not want to complain and staying home was not an option while I was undergoing chemotherapy. I had to work. It was a struggle but I got through it. New Day was just amazing.

What is next for you?
I had a bi-lateral mastectomy in January. I just returned to work after a brief, approved leave from my job. I’ll begin radiation in a couple weeks, and plan to work through those treatments as well. I try to engage in motivational activities daily to keep things in perspective for myself and the kids. I’m doing much better, thanks largely in part to New Day.


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