2024 Website-Headers-OCT243

Hope for the Holiday Brings Joy to the Laboy Family

When Delvis, a single mom from Harper Woods, was diagnosed with breast cancer, she was already living paycheck to paycheck, with no savings or cushion to fall back on.  As grueling side effects from treatment set in, including neuropathy in her fingers, toes and feet, she was forced to take leave from a job that kept her on her feet.

Faced with no income, no savings and the holidays just around the corner, Delvis began to lose hope. Despite being prescribed medication to help with depression, she says it just wasn’t enough.

“It really broke me down,” she said. “When I was diagnosed with cancer, I just couldn’t take it. It had me depressed, I didn’t know where to turn or where to go. I didn’t want to move; I was stuck and went through crying spells.”

New Day first worked with Delvis to bring her and her family into the aptly named Hope for the Holidays program. She and her daughter Alex joined in the festivities at the New Day holiday party in Rochester, where she was able to meet Sterling Height Police Officer Richard Hines and thank him personally for his generosity.

“Thank god for (New Day) and the holiday gifts,” she sighed.  “My heart was just full and it was just overwhelming love. I didn’t know what to do…my eldest was pregnant with a baby on the way. The gifts they gave, well, I felt very blessed. Strangers you don’t know can be so open-armed and loving.”

Afterward, New Day helped with rent, groceries and life insurance for Delvis and her family. She noted she was “very, very thankful for that, especially the Kroger gift cards,” as she was struggling to feed her family on the $75 per month provided by the state.

“I couldn’t do nothing but cry and thank god for you guys,” she exclaimed.
Last month, Delvis finished with treatment and is now in physical therapy, fighting through the fatigue everyday and trying hard to cultivate a positive outlook. She is also working with Michigan Rehabilitation Services to find a job where she can work from home.

“Right now, I’m still going through step by step, physically trying to regain strength, mentally trying to stay positive and not think ‘what if the cancer comes back,’ and ‘how can I provide for my family.’  It’s a gradual step forward slowly, but I’m gonna get there.  I’m so NOT the slow walking person and it’s a daily struggle; I have to take my time and I don’t know how to do that.  This is like a teacher for me – how to slow down , be thankful and just take it slowly.”


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