2024 Website-Headers-OCT244

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Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

The mission of Susan G. Komen is to save lives by meeting the most critical needs in our communities and investing in breakthrough research to prevent and cure breast cancer.

NorthStar Palliative Care

NorthStar Palliative Care is a team of quality of life specialists dedicated to helping patients and families cope with the many burdens of a serious illness and address the psychological, emotional, and spiritual suffering that you and your family may experience.

Hospice of Michigan

Hospice of Michigan offers comprehensive resources and support, to comfort, ensure quality of life, and help patients in the final months so that the time that remains is peaceful and meaningful for all.

Children’s Cancer Resource Fund

Children’s Cancer Research Fund is a national nonprofit organization that offers information relevant to parents and immediate family about survivorship, diagnosis, treatment, research and cures of childhood cancer.

Cassie Hines Shoes Cancer Foundation

The Cassie Hines Shoes Cancer Foundation supports young adults (16-39) during their cancer diagnosis, treatment, and beyond through a variety of advocacy and programming.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, founded in 1962, is a pediatric treatment and research facility focused on children’s catastrophic diseases.  Consistent with the vision of the founder Danny Thomas, no child is denied treatment based on race, religion or a family’s ability to pay.

Wigs 4 Kids

The Wigs 4 Kids is a Non-Profit Organization founded in 2010 that offers hair replacement, support services, counseling, and fieldtrips for children ages 3-18, living in Michigan and suffering from hair loss as a result of illness.

Young Adult Cancer Connection

Young Adult Cancer Connection provides a rare opportunity for young adults (18-39) and their caregivers to come together and work through the issues unique to our age group, discover emotional and clinical resources, and ultimately know that we’re not alone in our cancer experience.

A Mother’s Wish

A Mother’s Wish embraces and supports Oakland County, MI women and families impacted by breast cancer by easing the day-to-day burdens associated with a diagnosis while offering opportunities for hope, comfort, family togetherness and healing.

Worth the Wait

Young adult cancer survivors often face fertility challenges. Our mission is to ease the burden for young adult cancer survivors pursuing parenthood by providing financial support for fertility treatments, adoption and surrogacy.

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